Saturday, May 26, 2007

Memorial Day

To be... or NOT to be

Well, camping 2007 has been post poned to a date yet to be determined.
Dispite my earlier whine session, I was really getting excited about going. I don't know if it was mixed up fond memories of camping as a youth (many MANY years ago) or if it was just a lack of caffine that fogged up my brain, but I was getting (almost) as anxious as the short ones. Not as obnoxious, but anxious none the less.
I did go get all the stuff set out (and packed) and bought the requsite "camp food"- you know, you HAVE to have the "smarsh maaaaaalos" to go to the "Mooooontin." With Bill off partying with Lolo, it just wouldn'thave been the same without him. There were also the coughy runny nose issues. And a good case (cases) of the whinies that needed to be delt with here at home. Many many reasons NOT to go... but damn it, I still wish I was "out there."
BUT I know that there are more weekend out there. There is plenty of good weather ahead, AND it does present me with the opportunity to fixate and obsess and over plan and obsess :) about where to go, what to pack. Even. More.


Thursday, May 24, 2007

Pre Memorial Day Madness-

All righty, we're going to try again. A few years back...we decided to go camping. It was about 5years to be exact. Steven was just getting to know us- Tommy was a cute and FAT little monkee of about 10 months old, the Twinners were 2 and a half, oh there might have been a 5 and a 7 year old there too :) I hadn't been camping in a while, and Steven had never had the...ummmm. Pleasure? Experience? The Adventure of taking short ones camping before. Ahhhh to be young and full of "good" ideas, excessive amounts of energy- AND positive thoughts. OH quit your laughing, IF YOU ARE laughing, that just shows you have done something similarly intelligent! Did I mention we went in a van. To camp in a tent. NO TOILETS or showers. We ended up driving for, what with having 5 kids under 7- and adults who only had a very vague and general sense of where we were going...seemed like an eternity. Anywho, once again- we survived. I don't know how we did, but we pulled it off. I'm not saying that there weren't rough spots... DUH we WERE camping with short people!! But aside from the van over heating and us forgetting to pack extra diapers (thank goodness I am a pack rat and had some stashed in the van!) I guess camping (and parades!) are a lot like going through labor. After the fact, you never quite remember exactly all the pain, trauma, headaches, planning, re-planning, and disasters that can (and do) go on. Sooner or later, you can only remember the "good" parts. How Billy fell in the creek and "wet his pants," how cute the twinnies were covered in melty marshmellow and chocolate. And Camping (going to the parade, having a baby.... JUST AS AN EXAMPLE DAD!!!) sound like really good ideas again. So we plan, load, and prepare... for another grand adventure :) I did remember to buy extra diapers, so please cross your fingers that I will remember to TAKE THEM with us this time!!