Saturday, August 15, 2009


Why is it that the weekends are harder than the week days? My vote is for the lack of continuity- the pace is slower and everyone is thrown off of their daily rituals.

And every one is home hovering around mommy hoping she will entertain (and constantly feed) them all. RIGHT. NOW.


Thursday, August 13, 2009


My one child who is allergic to bees, got stung. Again. Like he's a bee magnet!

I would post photos of his last scrape with them... but its scary. This go-round he only was hit once. On the wrist. Much better than on the face, but still not pleasant. So yesterday, when he was attacked- his spot swelled up a little. Not too bad, the ice and benedryl helped a lot. Still, I sat- Epi-pen at the ready just in case.

This morning he wakes up with his whole fore arm swollen, and starts throwing up.

Nothing like an early morning dash to the Docs... where more Benedryl (and get the kids an ice cream would ya?! He's been through a lot!!) were suggested. 15 minutes of a movie and a 4 hour nap later- I think he just might survive.

The bees anyway-

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

2 weeks

I head back to campus in 2 weeks. All I have to show for this summer is a sunburn, a few extra pounds, and a huge stack of fluff books that have kept me from complete insanity.

I currently am looking forward to the stress and frenzy of back to school shopping for the kids, re-arranging 8+ schedules, and trying to figure out how to afford it all. Financial aid is a great thing... but it sucks getting it THE DAY BEFORE classes start. Nothing like the last nimute rush! haha. Ha.

Throw all that in with the fact that my hubbys mood swings are totally confusing, and I rarely KNOW if/ when he is coming home. Or leaving. Or working. Or anything.

Ahh the nightmare of a life long obnoxious organizer. Welcome!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Sunny summer Sunday

Nothing like waking up after a pretty cruddy day to a bunch of grouchy. Just when I started to feel like pulling myself off the couch from the fetal postion, WOW.

The emotional rollercoaster I call life- Is about more than I can handle.

Anyone know where the pause button is?