Clara reached her very first birthday- and the rest of us survived it too! We had the traditional 1st birthday spaghetti dinner, and then she had a gi-normous cream puff (we had brownies and ice cream...) Little Stinker ate it like a champ, so the messy birthday pictures aren't so messy. LOVE the photos of her and her desert... she's SO dainty! Maybe she does take after me. A little. hahahaha!!! Not really, but I can dream. She does have my chinS though...
Steven (and I) worked on the bathroom remodel- and is almost finished. I pretty much watched the process, and ran for parts. :) It's turning out to be pretty AMAZING~ but I can't post photos till it's finished though, Bosses orders.
The kids start school (here at home) on Monday, I go back to class in Mid-September (one of the last four I need to get into the Nursing program. Horray!) VERY excited to get some "mommy around adults" time. Ahhhh, grown ups!! Just one class, but it's a start!
Everyone around her is (for the most part!) doing well, staying healthy and out of too much trouble.
So Far.
Knock wood!
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