Friday, August 10, 2007

It's Friday, ALREADY?!

I don't know what happened to this week- but it is gone already. Kept trying to think about what all went on, and really can't come up with much.

We did finish painting the boys room blue, but still need to go over the edges. Again. and probably again after that. Did I mention it was BLUE?

Replaced the faucet and shower head in the kids bathroom. Not nearly as scary as I thought it was going to be. And a cheap-o shower head from WallyWorld was $1.96. I figured I could live with blowing that kind of money if I screwed it up :) The faucet was a different story. It had a hole on the nothing was coming out of the faucet. 'Hole' seems a little like calling the grand canyon a ditch- this thing was messed up. MESSED UP...the tub would fill up from the water that shot out the side, bounced off the wall, and splashed into the tub. Classy, No??

It's all old around here. The bathroom is Harvest Gold. And we have HARD ASS water. And the people ( term used LOOSLY) were extrememly challenged (creative IN A NOT NORMAL WAY) when it came to building, plumbing, and wiring. Every day is a new adventure.

There is a lot to be said for country living. The kids can run and be loud with out the cops showing up with noise complaints, but sometimes the hard water, gas prices, snakes, frogs, WASPS, ants, goat heads and thistles- can wear a body out.

Oh well, at least it's not the same thing everyday. ALWAYS something else going on.

After the kids bathroom repairs didn't blow up in my face... or flood the house, I stuck a new shower head up in the master bath. 'Master bath'- hahahahahahah. The only thing that works in there is the shower... and that is being VERY generous in the defination of 'works.'

Much better now, the water actually comes OUT of the holes, instead of dribbling out. A little.

We did manage to go to Walmart almost every day, and a Dr appointment, make a million and a half phone calls, clean out the TV room... made a billion meals, washed a ton of laundry... and mountains of dishes... Changed diapers FOR ONLY ONE CHILD!!! JJ decided 3 years was PLENTY, and pretty much has potty trained himself.

THANK DISNEY- and underwear with Cars characters on them. You CAN'T pee on Lightning! It's been 3 weeks, and only once was there anything close to an accident. AWESOME!!!

So over all, I guess I did a little this week. Still feels like it went too fast, and nothing got done. Except the usual. Which doesn't seem very exciting or note worthy in the slightest.

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