The Kids (well... me) have been keeping up a notebook of all of our summer exploits, and I told them I would post them once a week.
Mondays highlights: 3 sickies, watched HSM2 and ate what ever we could scavage from the fridge.
Tuesdays highlights: down to 1 sickie, speech was cancelled, made colorful volcanos... Cadens was a little TOO yellow...and everyone made and ate their very own pretzel creations. The big drama consisted of who got to choose the days movie... Tommy one, and then nobody watched. Not even the picker-outer.
Wednesdays highlights: EVERYONE HAS BEEN HEALED!! (until later when one regressed) so we loaded up for The Dollar Store and errands. In the mail summer school schedules for the shorties, Jr high Orientation schedule, and the dreaded report cards- (these could be more accurately described as not so hot lights.) We made ZippyBag Ice Cream, kicked the teenager out and forced him to spend the night with his buddy, and was suprised by a PURDY new daddy made computer desk!! Way to go Daddy-o!
Thursdays exploits: Ran around trying to get my transcript from one college to the Real College... Uncle Bob came and kidnapped the Teen, and the rest of us spent the day visiting (SANITY RECHARGE!) with Meesh. Told her she should visit more often so we have an excuse to go out and have dinner! Had an unexpected phone call, and discovered that dads windshield had and accident. Its the mystery crack that defies explanation.
Friday - yoohoo! : had MORE Real College paperwork to deal with, Billy, Caden and Kenny headed to Grandmas. Kayler made Pizzas for lunch and Chili Dogs for dinner. We all crashed out in the bedroom and watched Camp Rock on the Disney Channel. Jack spent her first night in the house, curled up on me just the the kids did when they were teeny. But STEVEN, its NOT the same thing!
That sums up our week of excitement... for next week, we hope to have a project and a food type thing every day, less trips into town, more naps for mom, and a sickie free existence.
Keep your fingers crossed!
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