Monday, February 25, 2008

Spare Change?

I need some. A hair style. A vacation. A new pair of shoes. Something. Anything.

I'll sit and write about how I wish every thing would be "normal," but since that is an absolute impossibility around here- maybe change would be good. On a strictly scheduled and in expected, predictable fashion :) And on my terms~

The weekend went about the same as ever- nothing exciting, mind numbing, cute, or relatively noteworthy to type up and share. The weather was decent, and the kids got to play outside. Steven and I went out too- baseballs, soccer balls, plastic bats, sleds, golf balls, wiffle balls, jump ropes and gliders- everything that was hidden by the snow, made an appearance. That was nice, but now I have a list of STUFF we need to get for spring.

at least OUTside stuff makes it quite INside!

Actually got out of the house to study for a little bit. Coffee and Chemistry~ out was nice though. Took the Twinners... met up with a Study Buddy- a charter member of the "What were we thinking... taking micro and chem at the same time" club.

Still don't know what we were thinking, but at least we only have 3 weeks of suffering left.

The kids swapped chores yesterday... they were doing OK last week. After the switch- Not so much. Ugh. Mondays are horrible (as I might have mentioned in previous rants) but holy harpsichords people. Its bad.

Monday morning. TestDay Monday mornings- with a house full of half-arsed finished chores... which make them 3x as cruddy to deal with the next day. And guess who gets to deal with it all.... hummmmmm WHO could that be?

So I want a change. A GOOD one. Even if it's just a little one.

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