Wednesday, August 12, 2009

2 weeks

I head back to campus in 2 weeks. All I have to show for this summer is a sunburn, a few extra pounds, and a huge stack of fluff books that have kept me from complete insanity.

I currently am looking forward to the stress and frenzy of back to school shopping for the kids, re-arranging 8+ schedules, and trying to figure out how to afford it all. Financial aid is a great thing... but it sucks getting it THE DAY BEFORE classes start. Nothing like the last nimute rush! haha. Ha.

Throw all that in with the fact that my hubbys mood swings are totally confusing, and I rarely KNOW if/ when he is coming home. Or leaving. Or working. Or anything.

Ahh the nightmare of a life long obnoxious organizer. Welcome!

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